Went by Summer Slam today to see the boys... While I was there I got to spend some real Quality to time with Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton and the Big Show... I also ran into the new Diva Champion Melina who as it turns was Huge DDP fan growing up... it was very cute:) Here are some fun pics... I missed taking one with Cody I'll get him next time... but heres a Great one with RKO doing the Diamond Cutter sign... and for anyone wondering I AM HONORED Randy does his version (RKO) or OUR finish... I had to take a pic with the Big Show in his Bus... YES he has his own BUS... all the miles that he and I went up and down the roads... Damn I wish we had a bus back then... Show also showed me a sneak preview of his new movie "Knuckle Head"... I think he did and OUTSTANDING job in this wonderful family movie! Btw I forgot how COLD Show likes his rooms... it was like a meat locker on that bus... I had a SNUGGY yes I had a Snuggy and a blanket and I was still cold while I watched the movie... but very happy to have spent the time with my one of my closest friends:)
Here's a video of me doing a 6 minute plank... if you're doing YRG you may find this semi entertaining:)